Monday morning, our class will meet in the conference room at Jittery Joe's Watkinsville, 8:00--11:15. BRING YOUR BOOKS--and you may bring a cheat-sheet with the specifics about your primary and secondary novels. Please be punctual. I told the U.S. office you'd be back in time for lunch.
Please remember to bring your $86 for the A.P. test sometime in the next week. You may pay Mrs. Ediger, Mrs. Christian, or Mrs. James in the Upper School office OR pay me in class.
Be sure to finish either Pygmalion or your novel in time for the test itself. We plan to meet next Monday in a coffee shop to complete a practice run-through with Test 2 from Cracking the A.P. Details to follow.
Also, go ahead and determine which books you'll use for your primary and secondary novels on the free response essay, and jot down characters' names, literary devices, themes, ironies, plot twists, etc.