Monday, December 14, 2009

Dr. E. likes to eat Domino's while he grades FINAL EXAMS.

First Semester Final Exam

Choose two works -- whether long or short, it doesn't matter -- from Unit 1 (the Anglo-Saxon or "Emergent" period), Unit 2 (The Middle Ages), or the poems covered so far in Unit 3 (the Renaissance) which you think do a particularly good job of providing insight on a single important issue. Write a 300-500-word essay on the subject. Some suggested important issues might include: the love of God; relationships between husband and wife; the goodness of creation; the virtues of honesty, humility, or self-sacrifice; avoidance of evil.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Assignment--yes--over the Christmas Break

Your assignment for Christmas break is as painless as we could possibly make it. Our hope is that it will even enrich your holiday.
You are to read a biography of a Christian, or an autobiography by a Christian.
Here's a link to last year's blog page that goes into more detail about the assignment. You might need to copy and paste it into the address bar. Enjoy.

(If anyone wants to borrow my bio of Eric Liddell--the runner--please let me know. This is rather hard to find.)